Counselling &

Wellness Coaching for Women

Nourish Your Mind + Body + Soul


Counselling & Therapy

Express Coaching Package

Coaching Session for Working Mums + Email Support

Phone Consultation

Online Zoom Consultation

Do you wish you could ditch the mum-guilt, overwhelm, stress, anxiety or relationship problems that came along with motherhood?

Are you ready to…?

  • Turn the chaos into calm
  • Discover how to let go of that mum-guilt
  • Stop feeling like you’re not good enough
  • Learn how to stop putting pressure on yourself to ‘do better’ or ‘be better’
  • Re-connect with your partner (remember life before kids?!)
  • Feel positive about the state of your health
  • Stop being a perfectionist
  • Feel motivated, inspired and energised once again
  • Reduce your anxiety or stop those panic attacks
  • Sleep better
  • Embrace Motherhood – because it’s a whole new journey you weren’t prepared for
  • Feel comfortable with yourself – inside and out
  • Better understand why you expect so much from yourself or those around you
  • Stop relying on caffeine, sugar, food or alcohol to help you relax or ‘feel better’
  • Start to value yourself, so you can live a more meaningful life
  • Discover how to feel a greater sense of calm and inner peace
  • Connect with your mind and body to maximise your wellbeing
  • Increase your self-confidence and self-worth
  • Gain clarity on what you want and need to live a happier life


Express Coaching Package

Coaching Session for Working Mums

Counselling & Therapy


Online Zoom

Hi, I’m Wendy

I’m the owner and founder of Mind Momentum and I love working with women to help them overcome the obstacles keeping them from having a calmer mind, more connected relationships and a greater sense of purpose and achievement.
I’m a mother of two, a counsellor, psychotherapist and wellness coach.
I specialise in supporting mums with their emotional wellbeing, their relationships, motherhood and parenting experience and their overall wellness.
I would love to help you feel more joy, calm and happiness in your day-to-day life and ditch the overwhelm and mum-guilt.
You’re invited to click on the link above to connect with me for a complimentary 20-minute call at any time.
I’d love to help you live your best life.

Women I've helped, have said:

"Seeing Wendy has completely transformed my life.
I'm a stay at home Mum with two little boys under two and I was emotionally drowning trying to keep up with their demands and the idea being the perfect mum.
I had lost my sense of self and self worth and was feeling like a zombie stuck on repeat working through the daily chores.
Wendy has brought the joy back to my life. Through her guidance and coaching I feel lighter, fresh and alive.
I have found my inner happiness again, and am enjoying my time with my boys. I have let go of the resentment I was carrying and am now so happy.
I really cannot recommend Wendy highly enough. She has given me my life back and I am so very grateful."
Online video client - NSW, Australia

“Wendy is my trusted confidant.  I can tell her my problems and know that she will give an honest and thoughtful response and suggestions. 

Since I started my sessions with Wendy, I've changed my approaches to situations. I've become more mindful and have learned not to be afraid to make the first move in social situations. I've begun to seek out new people and I try not to shy away from uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations.

I've become less reactive and I've learned how to stay present in the moment and more appreciative of  what I've learned through my challenges and the people around me.

Wendy has been very empathetic and understanding towards my problems and situations…

I would definitely encourage others to try counselling.”

Online Client - South Korea

“Wendy has been extremely supportive… I wasn’t sure what to expect (I had only agreed to counselling because my husband asked me to but I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, or what good it was going to do) but her help and input has been invaluable in keeping me sane!

She is kind, friendly, supportive, cheerful and helpful (amongst other things). Her communication is also fantastic, which is what you need when in this kind of mental state - you don’t want to have to chase the counsellor.

I am so glad I made the step to contact her, and haven’t looked back!”

Online Client - UK

“I cant tell you what a change I’ve had since I saw you last - I think all the self-care suggestions you made to me finally pushed me into action and I generally feel so much lighter and happier than I have in a long time.…

I can’t tell you what a change you’ve inspired in me… I’ll keep putting into practice the things you’ve already taught me.

Thank you so much!”

Face-to-face client - Ryde

“Wendy was a god-send to me when I was experiencing a very stressful time in my business and marriage, casting all sorts of doubt in my competencies, values and self-worth. She allowed the space for me to get out whatever I needed to in a safe non- judgmental space. 

She is warm, gentle and very understanding. 

She is highly professional in not letting her own values and experiences obstruct her work as a counsellor and she understands women, mums and people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. You get some learning, exercises or thought provoking insight from each session, so you don’t feel it’s just a conversation. 

I highly recommend her.”

Face-to-Face client - Ryde

"Wendy you are amazing. 

Your words have helped me feel such peace and calm. 

Thank you for taking time to respond even on your holiday...  Thank you so much.”

Online Client - Australia

The advice I received from Wendy was absolutely incredible.
I was totally devastated after my partner ended our relationship. I was in a rut for a very long time, and I felt like I was in a spiral downwards... I was very depressed and I blamed myself for our relationship ending. I think I was headed for a breakdown.
The best thing I ever did for myself was to reach out to Wendy. I was able to express to her exactly what I had been through with my ex-partner and talk to her about my innermost thoughts and feelings. She made me feel very comfortable.
Wendy gave me an incredible insight into what my relationship with my ex partner was really like. I was unable to see this previously.  She changed my perspective on how I viewed my relationship.  Her words of advice literally turned my life around. She helped me to see my way through what was like a "thick fog", and to view my relationship with my ex-partner for how it really was.  TOXIC!!   I could not see that previously. 
In addition, she gave me invaluable strategies and advice which, moving forward, will give me better insight into making more suitable choices for my next relationship.
I cannot thank Wendy enough. 
I feel she saved my life.
Phone Client - NSW, Australia

"Wendy has a beautiful, calm, nurturing, inviting and non-judgemental manner that makes it extremely easy to speak openly about whatever you feel you need to.

I was of cause a little anxious and nervous about our first session but looking back I need not of been and am so pleased I did not chicken out.  The difference in my outlook toward certain situations has completely changed and I now have some simple tools that help me take away the anxiety, needless worry and over analysing that I was doing previously. I cannot tell you what a relief and how freeing it is to feel that weight off my shoulders.

... please make that call, email or text to Wendy to reach out. It won’t be the easiest thing you have ever done but you will be thankful every day afterwards that you did. Because really, there is no reason what-so-ever that any of us have to go day to day feeling crappy, not worthy, too worried, anxious or not good enough."

Face-to-Face Client - Ryde

"Prior to reaching out to Wendy, I was going through a very difficult time with some family relationships, I was holding on to a lot of anger and resentment as well as some serious hurt. I learnt how to become a stronger person, I learnt how to put myself first and allow myself to truly be happy without feeling guilty of upsetting others. 
Wendy was supportive and gave me the self-confidence to believe in myself and what I was feeling. She enabled me to trust myself and not be clouded by my anxiety and to believe that I am stronger than what I thought I was, She has taught me to face things in a different manner and handle situations in a much better way than what I would have previously.
Wendy was exactly what I needed to help me weather the storm I was in at the time.
I don't have enough words to express my gratitude and my thanks for all her support and guidance."
Phone client - Sydney
"Before counselling with Wendy, I was feeling anxious and slightly depressed for a period of time. It was on and off, and I deliberated for a period of time whether to seek help or not, as I thought I could deal with on my own.
However, there was a point where it was really affecting me, and I couldn't deal with it alone and needed assistance, so I reached out to Wendy for help.
Since participating in counselling and therapy, I feel very different. I'm now feeling more at ease & stronger in myself.
The greatest benefit of my counselling experience is finding the trigger of my anxiety. I've had a lot of A-HA moments working with Wendy. When it escalates I feel like I'm more in control of it, rather than it controlling me. Wendy has a very warm and caring nature. I found her to be supportive of what I was going through, and non-judgemental. She provided me with simple, yet effective tools to help me on my journey.
I highly highly recommend Wendy to assist you on your journey, whatever it may be.
I honestly believe we should all see a counsellor, and I'm so glad I reached out when I did.
Thanks for all your help, Wendy 🙂 "
Client from Sydney, Australia.

"I've been working with Wendy for a while, and I can honestly say, that for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm making positive progress in relation to my mental health, and it has been so incredibly freeing!

I would recommend Wendy to any mum who feels overwhelmed and anxious, but I would also recommend Wendy to anyone who just needs a 'tune up' to be the best version of themselves".

Phone client - Blue Mountains, NSW


“One of the best things I've done for myself was seeking help, and Wendy has been absolutely amazing to resolve some of the conflicts I have been having for over a few years!!
Wendy was patient, she listened to what I had to say without any judgement and provided strategies to help me cope with my struggles.
At the end of 3 sessions, I feel like a lot of the emotional burden I was carrying on my shoulders all these years has lifted off has truly been a liberating experience.
Thank you so much, I am grateful for the support you gave me."
- Online client, Mernda, VIC.