Phone Consultation
Phone consultations are available for women living anywhere in Australia.
Wendy will phone you at a mutually agreeable time.
Prior to your first paid consultation, Wendy will provide you with a couple of forms to complete, so that she has some important information about you and your circumstance before getting started. This will be helpful for your first consultation, to ensure you are heading in the right direction, and are getting the best support possible.
Each phone consultation is a full hour (60 minutes) in duration.
Wendy will follow up your consultation with an email and/or SMS as required, and will also communicate with you via email to send you any forms, worksheets or activities that will help you work towards your goals to feeling better.
Please email or phone Wendy to arrange your booking.
Phone: 0449 667 133 E-mail: support@mindmomentum.com.au Would you like a FREE 20-minute phone consultation first? - Find out a little more about Wendy and how she can help you. Please click here to request a call.